Wednesday 9 October 2013

Induction interview

Our first task was to interview the person beside us so we could all gain a bit more insight into each other. We were then asked to publish the answers we gave here, so here are mine:

What is the title of the book (fiction) you are currently reading (or the last fiction book you read)?
I never read just one book at a time, I dip in and out of several (don't ask me why) unless I'm really gripped by just one book. At the minute I'm reading Isaac Asimov's The Complete Robot, Patrick Ness' Something More and Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle.

What is the title/topic of the book (non-fiction) you are currently reading (or the last non-fiction book you read)? 
The Art of Bioshock Infinite. The book not only shows all of the concept art for the game, but also details how the game itself developed and the artwork with it.

What was the last live performance (music, drama or dance) you attended?
A ghost story called 'And Then The Dark'. It was terrible.

What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema/online or watched on dvd?
Lilo and Stitch on DVD, Sharknado online and Monsters University at the cinema. Why didn't I watch films that I could feel slightly less guilty about having watched before I was asked this question?

How often do you read a newspaper? (Which one? Online or physical?)
Never, though I probably should. I never know whether to believe what I hear in them, though. I do watch the news and read Edge every month, not that a gaming magazine counts as a newspaper.

Which art gallery/museum/exhibition did you last visit?
The National History Museum and The Science Museum.

How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?
It depends on the week and the game; if I have a large amount of free time or am playing a video game that I am particularly involved in then I can spend up to 40 hours a week maximum, maybe? If the opposite is true then no hours at all or 5. There are a lot of things how many hours I spend gaming depend on.

How many hours a week do you  spend playing games other than video games?
Roughly 5 now that I have joined the university's gaming society and am mixing with people who play board games more actively than I do. Before that it was rare, on holidays or when I could persuade a friend to play monopoly. I don't really own that many games other than video games and tracking them down in the maze of my house was even harder than finding someone to play them with.


  1. Hi Hannah,

    There are some nicely developed answers here, which allow some of your interests and personality to shine through.

    Well done for getting a course-related title into your non-fiction category.

    I remember seeing And Then The Dark -- I think there might have been some nice special effects.

    You can combine a respectable newspaper with gaming news by checking out the Guardian's games blog:

  2. Hi Hannah,

    Don't neglect your blog: if you post regular updates on your reading and other aspects of your studies, the blog will provide a useful record of your ongoing engagement with the course.

  3. Hi Hannah,

    Don't forget to click the orange "publish" button to make your blog posts visible.

  4. Hi Hannah,

    It's been a while since a new post has appeared on your blog.
